1 // This file is written in D programming language
2 /**
3 *   Default synchronized log realization. The logging process performs
4 *   instantly (if it can be processed properly). Logger puts message
5 *   style string and current timestamp before the message.
6 *
7 *   Tested to be able operate in daemon mode and under heavy concurrent
8 *   writing.
9 *
10 *   Copyright: © 2013-2014 Anton Gushcha
11 *   License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE file.
12 *   Authors: NCrashed <ncrashed@gmail.com>
13 */
14 module dlogg.strict;
16 public import dlogg.log;
17 import dlogg.style;
19 import std.path;
20 import std.stdio;
21 import std.file;
22 import std.conv;
23 import std.datetime;
24 import std.traits;
26 version(ColoredOutput)
27 {
28     import colorize;
30     version(Windows)
31     {
32         /**
33         *   Standard implementation of IStyledLogger interface.
34         *
35         *   Example:
36         *   -----------
37         *   shared ILogger logger = new StrictLogger("my_awesome_log.log");
38         *   logger.minOutputLevel = LoggingLevel.Warning; // info msgs won't be printed in console
39         *   logger.logInfo("Info message!");
40         *   logger.logError("Error message!");
41         *   logger.logDebug("Debug message!");
42         *
43         *   // received USR1 signal from logrotate
44         *   logger.reload;
45         *   -----------
46         */
47         alias StrictLogger = StyledStrictLogger!(LoggingLevel
48                         , LoggingLevel.Debug,   "Debug:".color(fg.light_magenta) ~ " %1$s",   "[%2$s]: Debug: %1$s"
49                         , LoggingLevel.Notice,  "Notice:".color(fg.light_green) ~ " %1$s",  "[%2$s]: Notice: %1$s"
50                         , LoggingLevel.Warning, "Warning:".color(fg.light_yellow) ~ " %1$s", "[%2$s]: Warning: %1$s"
51                         , LoggingLevel.Fatal,   "Fatal:".color(fg.light_red) ~ " %1$s",   "[%2$s]: Fatal: %1$s"
52                         , LoggingLevel.Muted,   "",              ""
53                         );
54     } else
55     {
56         /**
57         *   Standard implementation of IStyledLogger interface.
58         *
59         *   Example:
60         *   -----------
61         *   shared ILogger logger = new StrictLogger("my_awesome_log.log");
62         *   logger.minOutputLevel = LoggingLevel.Warning; // info msgs won't be printed in console
63         *   logger.logInfo("Info message!");
64         *   logger.logError("Error message!");
65         *   logger.logDebug("Debug message!");
66         *
67         *   // received USR1 signal from logrotate
68         *   logger.reload;
69         *   -----------
70         */
71         alias StrictLogger = StyledStrictLogger!(LoggingLevel
72                         , LoggingLevel.Debug,   "Debug:".color(fg.magenta) ~ " %1$s",   "[%2$s]: Debug: %1$s"
73                         , LoggingLevel.Notice,  "Notice:".color(fg.green) ~ " %1$s",  "[%2$s]: Notice: %1$s"
74                         , LoggingLevel.Warning, "Warning:".color(fg.light_yellow) ~ " %1$s", "[%2$s]: Warning: %1$s"
75                         , LoggingLevel.Fatal,   "Fatal:".color(fg.light_red) ~ " %1$s",   "[%2$s]: Fatal: %1$s"
76                         , LoggingLevel.Muted,   "",              ""
77                         );
79     }
80 } else
81 {
82     /**
83     *   Standard implementation of IStyledLogger interface.
84     *
85     *   Example:
86     *   -----------
87     *   shared ILogger logger = new StrictLogger("my_awesome_log.log");
88     *   logger.minOutputLevel = LoggingLevel.Warning; // info msgs won't be printed in console
89     *   logger.logInfo("Info message!");
90     *   logger.logError("Error message!");
91     *   logger.logDebug("Debug message!");
92     *
93     *   // received USR1 signal from logrotate
94     *   logger.reload;
95     *   -----------
96     */
97     alias StrictLogger = StyledStrictLogger!(LoggingLevel
98                     , LoggingLevel.Debug,   "Debug: %1$s",   "[%2$s]: Debug: %1$s"
99                     , LoggingLevel.Notice,  "Notice: %1$s",  "[%2$s]: Notice: %1$s"
100                     , LoggingLevel.Warning, "Warning: %1$s", "[%2$s]: Warning: %1$s"
101                     , LoggingLevel.Fatal,   "Fatal: %1$s",   "[%2$s]: Fatal: %1$s"
102                     , LoggingLevel.Muted,   "",              ""
103                     );
104 }
105 /**
106 *   Implementation of $(B IStyledLogger) with custom style. Usually you want to use
107 *   $(B StrictLogger) alias, but there are cases where you want custom styles.
108 *
109 *   Example of custom styled logger:
110 *   --------------------------------
111 *   enum MyLevel
112 *   {
113 *       Error,
114 *       Debug
115 *   }
116 *
117 *   alias MyLogger = StyledStrictLogger!(MyLevel
118 *               , MyLevel.Debug,   "Debug: %1$s",   "[%2$s] Debug: %1$s"
119 *               , MyLevel.Error,   "Fatal: %1$s",   "[%2$s] Fatal: %1$s");
120 *   --------------------------------
121 *
122 *   See_Also: dlogg.style
123 */
124 synchronized class StyledStrictLogger(StyleEnum, US...) : IStyledLogger!StyleEnum
125 {
126     mixin generateStyle!(StyleEnum, US);
127     alias thistype = StyledStrictLogger!(StyleEnum, US);
129     /// Option how to open logging file
130     enum Mode
131     {
132         /// Don't override, append to end
133         Append,
134         /// Override, start new file
135         Rewrite
136     }
138     /**
139     *   Log file name.
140     */
141     string name() const nothrow @property @safe
142     {
143         return mName;
144     }
146     /**
147     *   Setting new log file name. If the $(B value)
148     *   differs from old one, logger should close
149     *   old one and open new file.
150     */
151     void name(string value) @property @trusted
152     {
153         if(mName == value) return;
155         close();
156         mName = value;
157         initialize(mSavedMode);
158     }
160     nothrow
161     {
162         /**
163         *   Prints message into log. Displaying in the console
164         *   controlled by minOutputLevel property.
165         */
166         void log(lazy string message, StyleEnum level) @trusted
167         {
168             //scope(failure) {}
169             try
170             {
171 	            if(level >= mMinOutputLevel)
172 	            {
173 	                string msg = formatConsoleOutput(message, level);
174 	                version(ColoredOutput) cwriteln(msg);
175 	                else writeln(msg);
176 	            }
178 	            if(level >= mMinLoggingLevel)
179 	            {
180 	                try
181 	                {
182 	                    rawInput(formatFileOutput(message, level));
183 	                }
184 	                catch(Exception e)
185 	                {
186 	                    if(minOutputLevel != LoggingLevel.Muted)
187 	                        writeln("Failed to write into log ", name);
188 	                }
189 	            }
190             } catch(Throwable th)
191             {
193             }
194         }
196         /**
197         *   Returns: minimum log level,  will be printed in the console.
198         */
199         StyleEnum minOutputLevel() const @property @trusted
200         {
201             return mMinOutputLevel;
202         }
204         /**
205         *   Setups minimum log level,
206         */
207         void minOutputLevel(StyleEnum level) @property @trusted
208         {
209             mMinOutputLevel = level;
210         }
212         /**
213         *   Setups minimum message level that goes to file.
214         */
215         StyleEnum minLoggingLevel() @property
216         {
217             return mMinLoggingLevel;
218         }
220         /**
221         *   Setups minimum message level that goes to file.
222         */
223         void minLoggingLevel(StyleEnum level) @property
224         {
225             mMinLoggingLevel = level;
226         }
227     }
229     /**
230     *   Checks if the log file is exists at specified $(B location) and
231     *   if can't find it, recreates the file and continues write into it.
232     *
233     *   Useful for $(B logrotate) utility. GNU/Linux system checks file identity by
234     *   inode, that doesn't change while renaming. Thus after renaming the file at
235     *   $(B location) log continues write into the renamed file. The call to the
236     *   $(B reload) method force splitting log into two parts.
237     */
238     void reload()
239     {
240         if(!name.exists)
241         {
242             initialize(mSavedMode);
243         }
244     }
246     /**
247     *   Creates log at $(B dir)/$(B name). Tries to create parent directory
248     *   and all sub directories.
249     *
250     *   Note: Can throw if there is a problem with access permissions.
251     */
252     this(string name, Mode mode = Mode.Rewrite) @trusted
253     {
254         mName = name;
255         mSavedMode = mode;
256         initialize(mode);
257     }
259     /**
260     *   Tries to create log file at $(B location).
261     */
262     protected void initialize(Mode mode = Mode.Rewrite) @trusted
263     {
264         auto dir = name.dirName;
265         try
266         {
267             if (!dir.exists)
268             {
269                 dir.mkdirRecurse;
270             }
271             mLogFiles[this] = File(name, mapMode(mode));
272         }
273         catch(Exception e)
274         {
275             throw new Exception(text("Failed to create log at '", name, "'. Details: ", e.msg));
276         }
277     }
279     /// Transforms custom mode to file open mode
280     private static string mapMode(Mode mode)
281     {
282         final switch(mode)
283         {
284             case(Mode.Append): return "a";
285             case(Mode.Rewrite): return "w";
286         }
287     }
289     protected this()
290     {
291         mName = "";
292         mMinOutputLevel = StyleEnum.min;
293         mMinLoggingLevel = StyleEnum.min;
294     }
296     /**
297     *   Unsafe write down the message without any meta information.
298     */
299     void rawInput(string message)  @trusted
300     {
301         if(this in mLogFiles)
302             mLogFiles[this].writeln(message);
303     }
305     /**
306     *   Used to manual shutdown protocols.
307     */
308     void finalize() @trusted
309     {
310         if(finalized) return;
312         //scope(failure) {}
313         scope(exit) finalized = true;
315         try close();
316         catch(Throwable th) {}
317     }
319     ~this()
320     {
321         finalize();
322     }
324     private
325     {
326         string mName;
327         __gshared File[shared thistype] mLogFiles;
328         StyleEnum mMinOutputLevel;
329         StyleEnum mMinLoggingLevel;
330         bool finalized = false;
331         Mode mSavedMode;
333         void close()
334         {
335             if(this in mLogFiles)
336             {
337                 mLogFiles[this].close();
338                 mLogFiles.remove(this);
339             }
340         }
341     }
342 }
344 version(unittest)
345 {
346     import std.concurrency;
348     void testThread(shared ILogger logger, Tid owner, int i, uint n)
349     {
350         foreach(j; 1 .. n)
351         {
352             logger.logInfo(to!string(j));
353             logger.logError(to!string(j));
354         }
356         send(owner, true);
357     }
358 }
359 unittest
360 {
361     import std.regex;
362     import std.path;
363     import std.file;
364     import std.stdio;
366     auto logger = new shared StrictLogger("TestLog");
367     logger.minOutputLevel = LoggingLevel.Notice;
368     logger.log("Notice msg!", LoggingLevel.Notice);
369     logger.log("Warning msg!", LoggingLevel.Warning);
370     logger.log("Debug msg!", LoggingLevel.Debug);
371     logger.log("Fatal msg!", LoggingLevel.Fatal);
372     logger.finalize();
374     auto f = new std.stdio.File(logger.name, "r");
375     auto r = regex(r"[\[][\p{InBasicLatin}]*[\]][:]");
377     assert(f.readln()[0..$-1].replace(r, "") == logger.formatFileOutput("Notice msg!",  LoggingLevel.Notice).replace(r, ""),  "Log notice testing fail!");
378     assert(f.readln()[0..$-1].replace(r, "") == logger.formatFileOutput("Warning msg!", LoggingLevel.Warning).replace(r, ""), "Log warning testing fail!");
379     assert(f.readln()[0..$-1].replace(r, "") == logger.formatFileOutput("Debug msg!",   LoggingLevel.Debug).replace(r, ""),   "Log debug testing fail!");
380     assert(f.readln()[0..$-1].replace(r, "") == logger.formatFileOutput("Fatal msg!",   LoggingLevel.Fatal).replace(r, ""),   "Log fatal testing fail!");
381     f.close;
383     logger = new shared StrictLogger("TestLog");
384     scope(exit) logger.close();
385     logger.minOutputLevel = LoggingLevel.Muted;
387     immutable n = 10;
388     foreach(i; 1 .. n)
389     {
390         spawn(&testThread, logger, thisTid, i, n);
391     }
393     auto t = TickDuration.currSystemTick + cast(TickDuration)dur!"seconds"(2);
394     auto ni = 0;
395     while(ni < n && t > TickDuration.currSystemTick)
396     {
397         ni += 1;
398     }
399     assert(ni == n, "Concurrent logging test is failed!");
401     // Testing overloading
402     logger.logInfo("some string");
403     logger.logInfo("first string", "second string");
404     logger.logWarning("some string");
405     logger.logWarning("first string", "second string");
406     logger.logError("some string");
407     logger.logError("first string", "second string");
409     logger.close();
410     remove(logger.name);
411 }
412 // issue #3 Testing custom time formatting
413 unittest
414 {
415     import std.datetime;
416     import std.file;
418     string myTimeFormatting(DistType t, SysTime time)
419     {
420         final switch(t)
421         {
422             case(DistType.Console): return time.toSimpleString();
423             case(DistType.File): return time.toISOExtString();
424         }
425     }
427     alias MyLogger = StyledStrictLogger!(LoggingLevel, myTimeFormatting
428                     , LoggingLevel.Debug,   "Debug: %1$s",   "[%2$s]: Debug: %1$s"
429                     , LoggingLevel.Notice,  "Notice: %1$s",  "[%2$s]: Notice: %1$s"
430                     , LoggingLevel.Warning, "Warning: %1$s", "[%2$s]: Warning: %1$s"
431                     , LoggingLevel.Fatal,   "Fatal: %1$s",   "[%2$s]: Fatal: %1$s"
432                     , LoggingLevel.Muted,   "",              ""
433                     );
435     auto logger = new shared MyLogger("TimeFormatTestLog");
436     scope(exit)
437     {
438         logger.close();
439         if(exists(logger.name)) remove(logger.name);
440     }
442     logger.logInfo("Msg1");
443     logger.logWarning("Msg2");
444     logger.logError("Msg2");
445 }